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Minutes of Design & Marketing Meeting

Tuesday 15th November 2011

Present: Sheila Friend-Smith (chairman), Daniel Block, Ian Burton-Palmer, Caroline Cawley, Ted Coney, Suzanne Lindsay, Angela Moody, Simon Pittock, Frank Readhead, Ray Tinker, Liz Sayers (secretary)

1. Apologies

Will Burton, Nigel Clarke, Philip Eden, Kevin Evans, Peter Hillman, Alan Mittins.

2. Minutes of the 25 October meeting

These were agreed.

3. Matters arising

It was agreed to propose that a letter be sent urging ECDC to delay implementation of parking charges in Ely until there is an improvement in the economic situation.

Suzanne Lindsay reported the Conservative Association was distributing a survey to households in all Ely City wards seeking residents’ views on parking, shopping and the southern bypass proposals.

Simon Pittock said comments on the website Ely People indicated misunderstanding over funding for the new (106 funded) bus service. SP to email the website link to Philip Eden.

Ted Coney reiterated concern at the shoddy repair work on Ely Market Square carried out by Highways Authority. This should be drawn to the attention of the Highways Authority and the area made good.

4. The Ely-App

Ray Tinker, Will Burton, Simon Pittock and Daniel Burton had arranged to visit Thame on 28 November to learn from the Oxfordshire market town’s experience. SP and DB were meeting Tracey Harding on 21 November to discuss the Ely-App and Christmas Market. SP and DB preparing an A4 flier in advance of a meeting with Ely Traders. SP and DB intended to try 'Crowd sourcing', an on-line means of raising funding for specific projects, to raise £500 towards development of the Ely-App. They suggested offering a City for all reasons cloth bag to anyone donating £25. Ian Burton-Palmer agreed to supply any bags required. SP and DB to approach Ely Weekly News and Ely Standard to publicise the Ely-App project.

5. Steeple Row

SF-S reported discussions were continuing to resolve planning issues raised by CCC highways officer.

6. Commemorative plaques

In the absence of Terry and Shirley Overall there was nothing to report.

7. Maltings Cottage/Ely Magistrates Court

A business plan for Maltings Cottage was being prepared by Ely City Council. Caroline Cawley suggested Mole Architects (offices in Babylon Gallery) might be interested in getting involved in the project. SF-S reported the fabric of the Magistrates Court was being maintained.

8. Christmas Market

SP and DB had made contact with a company, experienced in European Christmas markets, which might be interested in Ely. Quotes for building wooden stalls were being sourced from three joiners.

Ray Tinker reported trains (including a Steam Dreams train to carols in Oxford) were taking passengers out of Ely to Christmas shopping events elsewhere in the UK when previously chartered trains had brought visitors to Ely. He criticised ECDC’s tourism officials for not doing more to support and encourage the charter train companies. RT said survey forms had been completed by charter train passengers. Ian B-P agreed to investigate what had happened to the forms and whether any action had been taken on the feedback.

9. Ely street scene

•   Ely in Bloom's pansy planting in the city centre looked attractive
•   300 winter pansies had been planted in Jubilee Gardens
•   A bike was permanently chained by the library displaying a Slimming World advert
•   Three Cups Walk gravel replaced with turf – much improved
•   Site opposite Tesco’s car wash had been cleared an up for sale
•   Light in walk-through from Market Place to The Cloisters not working
•   Duck feeding on Palace Green – potential rodent problem, six feeding bowls left under two benches

10. Retail occupancy

Furniture/design shop in Fore Hill closing
Sue Ryder shop in The Cloisters open/charity’s High Street shop closing
Former Coffee Mill in Market Street now fish and chip/takeaway
New shop front on Tony’s in Market Street criticised. Conservation officer should investigate.

11. Any other business

New hotel:
Plans for change of use of Sanctuary Hereward Housing to 22 room hotel/function room in St Mary’s Street. Frank Redhead raised concerns about vehicular access/potential traffic problems. Only two ‘stop off’ parking places on site for guests who would then be directed to Barton Road car park. Residents in immediate vicinity also concerned about late night noise generated by the new-build function room that was proposed. SF-S thought a conference facility might be a more acceptable alternative to a function room.

Transfer of website licensing agreement:
SF-S agreed to speak to Bill Bateson.

•   Christmas lights switch-on Friday 25 November
•   Out of the East End by Mike Rouse, at Countess of Huntingdon Church, 17 November
•   Mayor’s Christmas Spectacular, Maltings, 4 December
•   Babylon Gallery crafts exhibition continues until 23 December
•   Ted Coney’s gallery continues opening on Sundays in December and then closed until April.

12. Date of next meeting

Tuesday 17 January 2012 at 6.30pm at St Peter’s House.

Christmas celebration (instead of Christmas dinner)

Tuesday 13 December Ely Perspective Christmas Wine Tasting (about seven wines to take us through the day starting with early morning wine to go with present opening!) with Sanket Patel of Anglia Wines at St Peter’s Church Hall. Tickets for Ely Perspective members and partners are £10 each. Please book by calling into Anglia Wines (between Burrows newsagents and Lamb Hotel) and paying for your tickets by 1st December.