07525 393728
Present: Sheila Friend-Smith (chairman), John Baker, Daniel Block, Caroline Cawley, Ted Coney, Kevin Evans, Peter Hillman, Suzanne Lindsay, Shirley Overall, Terry Overall, Frank Readhead, Ray Tinker
Philip Eden, Simon Pittock, Liz Sayers, John Yates.
These were agreed.
Ted referred to item 11 and said that the 'stump' mentioned was in fact a lamp post and we need the light back. Suzanne to deal with this.
Shirley was not able to update us on this but Sheila said that the deeds had been found and work is progressing.
Shirley said a different wording for the Club Hotel was required and circulated some printed information on its history. After discussion it was agreed that the wording should be "The Club Hotel c.1600-1975 Historic Coaching Inn and Meeting Place". Shirley and Terry said if anyone knew of other places that could warrant a plaque please let them have names/dates etc., and asked people to keep their eyes open when walking around the city. This history will hopefully appear in a Trail Leaflet.
Sheila said that the conservation officer Lorraine Brown (King) had said all will be approved within four weeks. Objections from the Tree Officer will be incorporated as conditions in the final version of the planning application approval. (Sheila has now advised that Planning Permission for Steeple Row enhancement approved and we have 5 years to begin project.)
The money from Action for Market Towns is to be paid soon. The Ely group had visited Thame and learned from them. Simon Pittock had met with the cathedral people and the hoped for wireless connection on the cathedral was not now going to happen but they were still happy to work with us. There was discussion as to what happens next and what equipment we would now require. Daniel can go on with our part of the App but the traders did not want to go ahead until the Spring. The Ice Rink is not going ahead as sponsorship was not forthcoming.
Sheila said that she had lost track of the relevant people to whom the minutes should be sent. Sheila and Caroline would meet up to work out a list of the people who should receive the minutes. It was agreed that whoever is producing the minutes will send them to Sheila first for approval before being sent to everyone else.
Date 11th Dec. Time 7.30 p.m. Ted advised about food, music etc.
Ely Courthouse - Kevin and Frank reported that back in September there were many suggestions for use of the building and also possible use by Cambs. County Council for records office, but this was not now going to happen. It meant it was back to discussion on forming a Trust with trustees and how the mechanics of it would happen. There were two suggestions, 1) training facilities for Law students from the university and 2) a Youth project based around a music venue but it transpired that the young people concerned hadn’t been inside the building and weren’t aware changes couldn’t be made. It was agreed that they should view the premises and see what was possible. English Heritage have said that some changes could be possible e.g. the Youth Court and the room next door. Surveyors are doing a costing for work needed to be done and this will be sent to the Ministry of Justice.
Station Gateway meeting - Frank reported on the Station gateway meeting. The scheme presumes two things will happen 1) that Tesco’s moves, if not nothing is possible. 2) Ely by-pass proceeds. The lead architect said that he was only dealing with a concept not detail and was only at the meeting to hear views. There was discussion as to what the Tesco site could be used for. The main entry to Ely would be down Angel Drove assuming the by-pass proceeds. There is to be seminar on 28th November.
Retail occupancy
• There is a new tea shop in the former bead shop.
• The Lunch Box is now open late and also the upstairs is being used.
• Similarly in Carrington’s. A new coffee and ice cream kiosk has opened in the Cloisters.
• Discussion on the possibility of using the empty Millets shop for the Christmas lights display.
Ray advised that the Norfolk Green bus service had carried the highest number of passengers the previous day.
There was some discussion on the Weekly News and Ely Standard and continuing viability.
Caroline advised that Adec hopes to go digital, as 35mm film is being phased out. She said also that the A.G.M. of Adec will take place on 8th Dec. at 11 a.m.
Suzanne advised of the Cathedral Flower Festival on 20-23 June 2013.
Ted asked what the possibility would be of us approaching the governors to see if the Old Palace could be open during school holidays.
6.30pm Tuesday 15th January 2013 at St Peter's House, Broad Street, Ely