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Minutes of Design & Marketing Meeting

Tuesday 20th March 2012

Present: Sheila Friend-Smith (Chairman), John Baker, Daniel Block, Ian Burton-Palmer, Caroline Cawley, Ted Coney, Kevin Evans, Angela Moody, Shirley Overall, Terry Overall, Frank Readhead

1. Apologies

Peter Hillman, Suzanne Lindsay, Simon Pittock and Liz Sayers.

2. Minutes of the meeting on 21 February

These were approved.

3. Matters arising

There were no matters arising.

4. Report from the executive meeting

The Perspective executive asked us to report on any traffic issues arising from the opening of Sainsbury’s and the general feeling was that there had not been as many problems as had been feared. There was criticism of the location of the new pedestrian crossing and the lack of clarity on the traffic priority change from Broad Street. It was suggested that the post box was now in an inconvenient position in Lisle Lane when people just wanted to stop their cars briefly to post letters.

5. Maltings Cottage update

There was nothing to report on the Maltings cottage except that a letter sent to community groups indicated that the City of Ely Council had not accepted the terms proposed by the District Council. The group was disappointed that there was further delay and there was a strong feeling that finding a community use for the cottage must be dealt with quickly as it was deteriorating on an almost daily basis.

6. Commemorative plaques

It was agreed that the commemorative plaques for which no further permissions were required should be ordered as soon as possible.

7. Christmas Market

Daniel reported that it was very unlikely that he and Simon would find a sponsor for a Christmas market this year but it might be possible to find a company to supply an ice rink and possibly a ferris wheel with all the profits going to the company. The group felt it would be worth pursuing this possibility.

8. Steeple Row update

The Perspective’s consultants had been asked to provide an amended plan for Steeple Row and this was expected imminently.

9. Retail Occupancy

It looked as if the Raven music shop had closed and John Paul’s gentlemen’s outfitters in Forehill was about to close. It was thought that the little sweet shop was reopening as a beauty shop and the former Curry’s shop was being refitted as a restaurant. Babylon Gallery was now fully licensed.

10. Environmental walkabout

The environmental walkabout was now being organised in a different way but the group would like to get involved with it if possible.

11. Any other business

•   AdeC has permission for a satellite dish at the Maltings. This will enable AdeC to transmit live performances from venues such as The National Theatre, Covent Garden etc.
•   There have been problems with renovating the seats at the Maltings and sometimes there is no warning that seats will be removed for repair so the stewards consequently have difficulty finding enough seats for customers with reservations. Sheila agreed to raise this issue with ECDC.
•   The Ely Society was finding it difficult to arrange for heritage buildings to be opened on the Heritage Open Day in September as it was in term time and many of the King’s School medieval buildings would not be accessible.
•   Sympathy was expressed to residents who could be affected by potential noise from the function room at the proposed new hotel in St Mary’s Street.
•   The Cathedral was playing a major part in the Jubilee celebrations with a special concert on 2nd June and the City Council was organising a big concert in the Park on 4th June.
•   Dismay was once again expressed at the unsightly rubbish along the bank by the railway station. This is the kind of problem that is best addressed through an official environmental walk.

12. Date of next meeting

17th April at 6.30pm at St Peter’s Church House