07525 393728
Present: Frank Readhead (chair), Daniel Block, Ted Coney, Kevin Evans, Sheila Friend-Smith, Shirley Overall, Terry Overall, Simon Pittock, Malcolm Green.
Janet Fairweather from Ely Society attended to observe the meeting.
Caroline Cawley, Liz Sayers, Patricia Simmonds, John Simmons, Ray Tinker. Daniel Block volunteered to take notes.
These have been unavoidably delayed.
In the absence of previous minutes, this item was skipped.
SP reported that an email had been sent to Paul Stannard to gain clarification on the situation at the station as Perspective are reluctant to order the new stand until there is assurance there is a place for it. FR will resume leadership on this project and will contact station management. TC will provide contact details.
Action: FR, TC
No further update this month.
SF-S reported that communications were ongoing between ECDC, the Cathedral and Heritage Lottery Fund. SF-S has insisted that a further meeting should take place to discuss next steps. She commented that Heritage Lottery Fund are interested in the Cathedral north side developments and Steeple Row.
Wording for the plaques commemorating Jack Cardiff and Ken Wallis was circulated to the group. The group discussed the positioning of the Bishop's Palace plaque – Lorraine Brown is to be contacted regarding this. The wording was discussed, with 'started by' preferred in favour of 'built by' John Alcock. DB mentioned he had found an English Heritage list of plaque schemes around the UK, with the relevant groups credited. Details to be sent to SO.
The wording of the Sessions House plaque was also discussed. The mention of 'police station' was felt by some members to be unnecessary on the plaque as more information can be included in the accompanying leaflet. FR suggested the group's wishes be communicated to the City Council (who are funding the plaque).
SP reported details of the upcoming seminar for local businesses and stakeholders. The new shopping and eating guide is to be revealed at the seminar. SF-S asked about progress on a strapline/slogan for Ely, and DB explained that this was an unfortunate miscommunication at the last seminar – there was never an effort to find a slogan or branding for Ely; instead it was focused specifically on the design of the shopping guide. KE asked about the group structure as there had not been a meeting in many months. SP explained that the City Centre Forum had necessarily changed to avoid difficulties encountered in local business and group/society representation. The working group now meets every couple of months to work on ongoing tasks, with twice yearly seminars to update stakeholders on progress and take feedback, as well as planning for the future. This has been discussed at previous Perspective meetings.
The group discussed the imminent Market Place building consultation as well as the continuing 'blight' of the replacement lamp-posts on Market Place. KE mentioned a website which contains detailed information on lamp-posts around the city, as well as the scheduled replacements and improvements in coming months. The address is
The Market Place consultation is likely to be an agenda item at the next meeting.
This has been decided. MG explained the situation – from the point of mooring a contract with ECDC begins. The uncertainty is how charges incurred will be enforced.
FR suggested group members should make their thoughts known as individuals away from the meeting, to avoid lengthy discussions. There then followed lengthy discussions with group members discussing pros and cons of the design. Janet Fairweather thought a more abstract design in metal, or a traditional wooden 5-bar gate would be preferable. It was unanimous that the current design was not liked by group members, but that a (different) stylised artistic design would be favoured.
This item was skipped as Liz Sayers was not present.
Some members feel that Perspective should be involved in this now that Ely Society is closing. KE reported that a meeting in London is to be held, although there is no date set. Involvement may require membership of Civic Voice. KE made the point that we should take caution as we may be committing to more than we currently expect. KE will reply to the email received to inform them FR will contact them on behalf of Perspective to say we would like to remain informed with potential to become involved at a later date.
Clean Sweep
Details of the upcoming litter pick and further related events were circulated.
TO commented that the 'finger post' signs are pointing in the wrong directions again.
Jubilee Gardens information board
SP thinks ECDC is dealing with this, FR will email to check.
Arboreal Trail
This is a popular idea in the group. KE commented that interested trees must be identified, and then funding sources must be sought. SF-S and MG will look into this. FR asked group members to identify potential trees when out in Ely.
Action: SF-S, MG
Footpath under A142 bridge
This was popular with some members, although the logistical difficulties make it unlikely.
This was skipped as the group has not settled on definite projects.
Isle of Ely Arts Festival
SF-S gave details of the Isle of Ely Arts Festival 2015, including a launch event on 30th May.
Ely Society
KE confirmed Ely Society is to close in July. It was suggested that Perspective take on the role of analysing local planning permissions.
Christmas light
TO thanked SP for his hard work in creating an enormous LED screen decoration which sadly could not be displayed at Christmas, but will be ready next year.
Ted Coney Virtual Tour
TC informed the group of his new 'virtual tour' video which can be purchased through his website.
6.30pm Tuesday 21st April 2015 at St Peter's House, Broad Street, Ely.