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Minutes of Design & Marketing Meeting

Tuesday 20th January 2015

Pre-meeting notes
1. The chairman advised that because of the reduced numbers present discussions on some agenda items must be deferred until a subsequent meeting.
2. Kevin Evans will record the minutes.
3. Frank Readhead, Sheila Friend-Smith and Patricia Simmonds offered their apologies for the next meeting, and Ray Tinker for the March meeting.

Present: Frank Readhead (chair), Ted Coney, Sheila Friend-Smith, Patricia Simmonds, Ray Tinker (for items 1 to 5), Kevin Evans.

1. Apologies

Liz Sayers, Terry Overall, Shirley Overall, Daniel Block and Simon Pittock.

2. Minutes of the 18th November meeting

These were agreed.

3. Matters arising

Are covered under the relevant agenda headings.

4. Projects

Frank will manage the “City Clean Sweep” (aka City Promise). Sheila will initiate enquiries for the “Ely Arboretum Trail”.
Action: FR, SF-S

5. Rail Station Leaflet Stand

Frank has been in discussion with Paul Stannard, the Station Manager, and submitted a proposal for his approval. He will chase a reply. Ted will continue any necessary discussions when Frank is away. The cost of the stand is likely to be in the region of £500.
Action: FR, TC

6. ElyAce App

Frank has investigated the legal implications relating to the web site and resolved concerns.

7. Steeple Row

The cathedral staff are meeting with the Heritage Lottery Fund to initiate the application (11 February – advised on 21.01.2015).

8. Commemorative Plaques & Leaflet

Ted has spoken to Ann Jarman about the plaque for the Old Fire Engine House and he will speak again to remind her of the advertising advantages.
Action: TC

9. City Centre Forum

The City Council and ECDC are developing a shopper’s guide which is to be circulated within a 20 mile radius of the city.

10. Riverside Moorings Policy

Frank received comments from a number of members but suggests that individual submissions should be made. The ECDC consultation closed on 19 January and the results are expected shortly.

11. Income Sources

These will be considered at a later date when we have more details for a specific project.

12. Any other business

The Ely Society is likely to close this year and is looking to transfer their Planning Subcommittee to a group such as The Ely Perspective. The subcommittee meets approximately once a month in the ECDC offices to review and comment on building plans that relate to the city.

Tesco will not be moving from their present site, and thus will not develop the proposed new site on Angel Drove. This will result in the present station gateway project being abandoned, but it is considered that it will not affect funding of southern bypass.

Ted has contacted Tracy Harding of ECDC and advised her that the video in the sluice sculpture adjacent to the Maltings is not working. Frank will now contact her.
Action: FR

Sheila reported that she has received almost £15,000 from the Arts Council for the Ely Arts Festival. If others know of related activities within East Cambs that could be included in the festival she would like to know.
Action: All

Kevin will chair the next meeting.
Action: KE

Date of the next meeting

6.30pm Tuesday 17th February 2015 at St Peter's House, Broad Street, Ely.

The meeting closed at 8.00pm