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Minutes of Design & Marketing Meeting

Tuesday 18th January 2011

Present: Sheila Friend-Smith (chairman), Suzanne Lindsay, Will Burton, Ted Coney, Philip Eden, Peter Hillman, Angela Moody, Ray Tinker, John Baker, Sheila Overall, Terry Overall, Yvonne Thresh

1. Apologies

There were apologies from Nigel Clarke, Alan Mittins, Heber Martin, Liz Sayer

2. Minutes of the 16th November meeting

These were agreed

3. Matters arising

There were no matters arising.

4. Action for Market Towns Report

Shirley Overall reported back on the meeting which had taken place in Chippenham. Terry Overall and Philip Eden also attended. There was a general presentation covering topics such as 'Big Society', the environmental challenge, tree planting, local enterprise and energy sharing and 'currency vouchers', community improvements, rural facilities, transport.
The afternoon was broken up into workshops. Shirley attended one on Thriving Town Centres and also on Innovation in Rural areas. Terry chose 'Liquid Assets' which discussed the local problems of the river Avon.

The general feeling was that Ely is well up on the promotion of its assets, signage etc, but it was helpful to hear other viewpoints. The idea of local enterprise and the 'business currency' will be discussed with the traders in Ely under 'The Little Shops' scheme.

A business exchange project is to be set up whereby towns with original ideas can exchange these ideas with others. Lottery funding will be available to subsidise costs of visits.

The next meeting of AMT is in October in Ludlow.

5. Steeple Row Update

Planning application is to be submitted within days. The Cathedral have already completed this. Sheila Friend Smith and Philip Eden will then approach the Heritage Lottery Fund in February. Funding from English Heritage, although they approve the plans, is not available. As larger projects tend to be more successful Jane Kennedy is proposing to include a ground plan design of the North transept in the application.

Ted Coney offered to submit an article for the local press at the appropriate time.

Sheila Friend smith assured the committee that there was still £20,000 ring-fenced in the conservation budget.

6. Commemorative plaques

Loraine King is still checking ownership of buildings and consent requirements for listed buildings. Once obtained planning will be submitted on one application.

7. Maltings Cottage

There is still no change in the intended use. Ted Coney will ask for a full business plan to be submitted at the next neighbourhood panel.

8. Magistrates Court Future

Following a recent talk on the Courts the Ely Society have added the future of the courts to their projects. They now have an interactive website and comments are welcome.

Find out more on

The following suggestions were made:

1. New Council Chambers given its imposing interior!

2. Museum use

3. Hire for period films

4. Mixture of commercial and tourist use

John Baker will draft a letter for Crown Estates incorporating support from all appropriate organisations within Ely, including ADEC, requesting it as a 'Gift to the Community'.

9. The Way Forward: Action Plan

1. Enhancing entrances to Ely. As the Station is a major entrance to Ely Philip Eden suggested that the Perspective could 'take ownership' of the relationship between the station and the community. Improved signage needs to be considered including notification to take people to the riverside. Ted Coney and Terry Overall were keen to establish the waiting room as a railway heritage centre and will take this idea forward with the station manager.

2. A suggestion was made to request painting the bridge.

10. "Minding the Gaps"

This is an open meeting on March 10th at the Cathedral Centre. All Ely and hinterland councillors, City and District will be invited to discuss how the community can be encouraged to fill gaps unable to be met by council expenditure.

11. Retail Occupancy

There are few empty shops within Ely and although occupancy does change, there is a quick turnover. The group felt that a letter of praise for the shopkeepers of the city would be appropriate. Suzanne Lindsay agreed to draft a copy.

It was agreed to list the vacant properties and explore the problems of leasing them. ? size, cost, situation.

Current empty properties are:

1. 15/17 High Street (was Curries)

2. Borlands

3. Cloisters (Cargo)

4. Broad Street (Morlands)

12. Any other business

1. Ely Society now has interactive website

2. Work on the Sainsbury development is to start in February and Aldi will commence soon after

3. Mud still on the corner of Kiln Lane (Riverside group to follow this up)

4. Trip hazard on the paving stones near Waitrose. Cheffins to be approached to inform property owners

5. The new CCTV system manned by volunteers is nearly ready to roll out

6. Tourist Information Office has produced a new Eel Trail pamphlet They are unable to fund the placement of their leaflets at the station.

7. AMT has awards to make to groups involved in town and city developments.

8.Is any section 106 money available towards enhancing entrances?

13. Date of next meeting

Tuesday 15th February 2011